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About Us

We are a strategic design and social innovation studio with creativity at our core.

Our studio operates through collaboration, with a focus on creative thinking as a fundamental aspect of your work. We provide the tools to improve your creativity and develop your full potential. "By coming together and merging, we can facilitate healing within ourselves and extend that healing to the planet." At Merge, we understand that the act of merging, of coming together, is the formula for generating superior results. We believe in the power of unity, where collective culture and collaborative innovation drive impactful change on a large scale. This is why we define ourselves as a collaborative space dedicated to strategic design and social innovation, placing creativity at the core of everything we do. We work closely with companies and individuals to discover and enhance their purpose, always guided by personal well-being as our compass.

Our mission lies in democratizing the transformative power of creativity, making it accessible to everyone. At Merge, our services are focused on amplifying what we call 'creative frequency.' We accompany individuals and businesses on their journey to identify their purpose and unique contribution. Our range of offerings spans from online courses to customized workshops for companies. Additionally, we provide products that stimulate the connection with the creative state through awareness. Through our actions, we become catalysts for positive change, contributing to a world in which each individual and company can make a meaningful contribution.

Who we merged with...